Maybe we should begin by saying that our team has the right skillset; that our members have degrees in law and media sciences, PhDs in history and psychology, Master’s degrees in management and systems engineering; that we combine different experiences and talents in a unique way.

But all this is about what we know and what we did – not really who we are.

Oh, and we’re also a company of  WOMEN


We are a group of men and women researchers who believe in the benefits of professional diversity – from law to psychology, from industry to history, from engineering to astrology.


We are genealogists and enthusiasts who enjoy challenges and embrace change and constantly use new technologies and innovative solutions – without compromising thoroughness and loyalty to our client!


We believe databases are useful and provide countless answers, but the researcher’s mission is to interpret the answers and find which is the relevant one.


We believe genealogy is more than just the sum total of the records, it is a thrilling journey through time to claim unique family (his)stories.

Real people

We are real people, each with their own families, hobbies and beliefs, brought together by a common love of what we do and by the world we live in.

Science and Humanitye

We wish to bring together science and mankind by putting knowledge and innovation to the service of human meaningfulness and freedom.

Inês (Bettencourt)

Inês (Bettencourt)

CEO Linhagens

B. Lisbon 1976. Married. Mother of 4.
Bsc. Law | Attorney and business manager. Social entrepreneur.
She enjoys running, cake design, grilled fish and is clearly a people person.

Carla (Santos Vieira)

Carla (Santos Vieira)


B. Lisbon 1971. Married with 2 children.
Head of New Researches and Communication
BSc. Communication Sciences | Journalist and freelancer photographer.
Likes learning new things, laughing until it hurts and most of all, enjoys living.

Maria Eugénia (Saraiva)

Maria Eugénia (Saraiva)

Head of Astrogenealogy practice

Psychotherapist and expert in family constellations.
Psychogenealogist and astrologic psychologist.
Traveller, incurably curious about mind/body connection, meditation practitioner and nature lover.

Inês (Bettencourt)

Inês (Bettencourt)

CEO Linhagens

B. Lisbon 1976. Married. Mother of 4.
Bsc. Law | Attorney and business manager. Social entrepreneur.
She enjoys running, cake design, grilled fish and is clearly a people person.

Carla (Santos Vieira)

Carla (Santos Vieira)


B. Lisbon 1971. Married with 2 children.
Head of New Researches and Communication
BSc. Communication Sciences | Journalist and freelancer photographer.
Likes learning new things, laughing until it hurts and most of all, enjoys living.

Maria Eugénia (Saraiva)

Maria Eugénia (Saraiva)

Head of Astrogenealogy practice

Psychotherapist and expert in family constellations.
Psychogenealogist and astrologic psychologist.
Traveller, incurably curious about mind/body connection, meditation practitioner and nature lover.